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Bespoke Glasses - Banton Frameworks

Bespoke Glasses
Handmade by Banton Frameworks
I’ve had an interesting relationship with my eyesight since birth. I’ve got astigmatism, a lazy eye, a squint; I can’t see in 3D; and I get double vision all the time. I’ve had two operations that make people squirm when I describe the process. All of that is to say my eyes and I have been through a lot.

Banton Frameworks is a spectacle manufacturer, handmaking frames in Scotland. Founded by Jamie Bartlett and Lucy Ross, they’ve been producing UK-made glasses ever since Lucy’s thesis project whilst studying industrial design at university.
When they asked me if I wanted to design my own pair of bespoke glasses, it was an easy question to answer…
Not only was I designing the pair of glasses, but I was also directing and filming a series of videos to capture the process. These videos were uploaded to YouTube and acted as an educational series to teach other young creatives how a project like this might be tackled.
Although targeted to a niche audience, the series has had rave reviews by those who have watched it. The set consists of three videos: one showing a condensed version of my entire design process; a live stream where I commented over all of the screen-recorded footage; and finally one showing Banton Frameworks’ manufacturing process and the unboxing.
Bespoke Glasses - Banton Frameworks

Bespoke Glasses - Banton Frameworks

I designed this pair of bespoke glasses and Banton Frameworks handmade the frames from their workshop in Scotland.
